Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 04:30:22 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #142 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Wed, 1 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 142 Today's Topics: DSP opinions needed LUSAT-1 (LO-19): Actual status RS10 trans-Atlantic contacts. SAREX SCHOOL SKED INF SAREX School Sked Info, Pls Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 May 1994 17:55:40 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: DSP opinions needed To: I'm considering the purchase of either a DSP-12 or AEA-2232 and would very much appreciate opinions, advice or suggestions about either unit. This will be used for mostly sats but some regular packet will be included. E-mail all replies to "" and thanks for the help. ------------------------------ Date: 31 May 94 12:49:06 GMT From: Subject: LUSAT-1 (LO-19): Actual status To: Official LUSAT-1 Status Report The satellite LUSAT-1 seems healthy. The control station is actually performing some tests to the satellite. The satellite is sending telemetry on 437.125 MHz and it's digipeater still turned on. Overseas stations: If you capture any LUSAT-1 telemetry and send it in raw-mode to the satellite control station, you'll receive a certificate for your collaboration. These telemetry reports can be sent either via packet radio to LU8DYF@LU8DYF.BA.ARG.SOAM and LU8DYF@ANY-ACTIVE-SATELLITE, or via Internet to: If you intend to use the satellite, please remember that the BBS is NOT LOADED and it will NOT be operational for the next 2 weeks (approx.). The LUSAT-1 recovery team want to thanks all the stations that sent LUSAT-1 telemetry data in RAW format. The overseas stations that are going to receive the Special Award are: 1) Mr. Norimasa Okamoto (JN2LHU) from Gamagori city, Japan. 2) Mr. Bent Bagger (OZ6BL+OZ7SAT) from Denmark. 73's de Eduardo Sweet, LU7AKC (LUSAT-1 recovery team) packet: e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 18:20:18 MET From:!!agate!!!!dearn!esoc!estec! Subject: RS10 trans-Atlantic contacts. To: Is there anybody on the other side of the ocean, interested in trying RS10 link with this side? I am available for skeds. I can hear my signals but it looks there is not too much people trying. Contact by e-mail: 73's de PA3FWP/I0WTD Stefano Badessi (I0WTD, PA3FWP) European Space Research and Technology Centre PI9ESA - ESTEC Radio Club _______________________________________________ " In Maxwell we trust... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 May 94 23:29:47 From:!swrinde!gatech!concert!mms! Subject: SAREX SCHOOL SKED INF To: Ne> One of the local schools has asked our club to help them apply for a Ne> SAREX sked ... Ne> I would think some kind of proposal that addresses how they intend to fit it in with the curriculum would be in order. Can anyone offer any advice on how to proceed with this? Ne> I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has participated in a SAREX Ne> school sked. Any info (logistical, technical, etc.) will be Ne> appreciated. Ne> Thanks & 73... Mark AA7TA Hi, Mark. I helped the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society with a successful SAREX contact in '92. In our application we pointed out that we had already made one SAREX demonstration to the school, without a scheduled contact. I've seen other schools try this before applying. (The attempt was not successful -- we didn't even hear the shuttle, but that didn't matter.) We maximized the number of students exposed by setting up stations at several schools, linking them together by repeater. The entire contact was also broadcast on the local repeater, and monitored in a dozen more schools, and countless offices. And we promised a big publicity effort (my job). That was very successful, with a live telecast on the local FOX affiliate, and two nights of coverage on the news of the other market stations, plus lots of radio news and newspaper coverage. I generated several press releases that I faxed to the media, but it was the followup phone calls that got their attention. Once they realized the potential of the story, they were eager to cover it. Our "earth" station was a good OSCAR-type satellite station, with 400 watts RF out to a circularly polarized, steerable antenna. The antenna was important. The power was overkill. The 5-watt signal from the shuttle was "pegging the needle" for most of the pass. The first and last minutes of signal were distorted by doppler effect. We were late in recognizing and compensating for that. Our contact lasted 8 minutes... almost horizon-to-horizon. We had 4 kids, and each got to ask at least 4 questions. Before and after the contact, our "control station" on the repeater described what we were doing, and what people could expect to hear. I have a professionally produced videotape of both our "dry run" practice exercise, and the contact itself. If you would like a copy, I'll make you one for the cost of duplication and handling ($12). It will be a good way to see how it happens (at least here in Raleigh) and spur interest with club members in your area. 73, and good luck with your application (and contact!), Gary Pearce KN4AQ 4400 Bleeker Ct. Raleigh, NC 27606 ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 15:57:43 GMT From: spsgate!mogate!newsgate! Subject: SAREX School Sked Info, Pls To: One of the local schools has asked our club to help them apply for a SAREX sked and then to help with the actual contact, assuming it's granted. Apparently, one of the crew members is the uncle of a couple of the students at the school. I'm not sure at the moment exactly which shuttle mission they're interested in but I think it's early next year. We have the application and there shouldn't be any problems with technical expertise but what else should they (the school) send in with the application? I would think some kind of proposal that addresses how they intend to fit it in with the curriculum would be in order. Can anyone offer any advice on how to proceed with this? I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has participated in a SAREX school sked. Any info (logistical, technical, etc.) will be appreciated. Thanks & 73... Mark AA7TA ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #142 ******************************